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German Haunebu 1 Flying Saucer (1:72 Scale)
German Haunebu 1 Flying Saucer

Luft-X German Haunebu 1 Flying Saucer

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Product Code: LUFT010

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Luft-X LUFT010 German Haunebu 1 Flying Saucer (1:72 Scale) "When WWII ended, the Germans had several radical types of aircraft and guided missiles under development. The majority were in the most preliminary stages, but they were the only known craft that could even approach the performance of objects reported by UFO observers."
- Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, the first head of Project Blue Book (Project Sign's follow-up investigation) discussing German late war technology, 1959

In UFOlogy, conspiracy theory, science fiction, and comic book stories, claims or stories have circulated linking UFOs to Nazi Germany. The German UFO theories describe supposedly successful attempts to develop advanced aircraft or spacecraft prior to and during World War II, and further assert the post-war survival of these craft in secret underground bases in Antarctica, South America, or the United States, along with their creators. According to these theories and fictional stories, various potential code-names or sub-classifications of Nazi UFO craft such as Rundflugzeug, Feuerball, Diskus, Haunebu, Hauneburg-Gerat, V7, Vril, Kugelblitz (not related to the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun of the same name), Andromeda-Gerat, Flugkreisel, Kugelwaffe, and Reichsflugscheibe have all been referenced.

Accounts appear as early as 1950, likely inspired by historical German development of specialized engines such as Viktor Schauberger's "Repulsine" around the time of World War II. Elements of these claims have been widely incorporated into various works of fictional and purportedly non-fictional media, including video games and documentaries, often mixed with more substantiated information.

German UFO literature very often conforms largely to documented history on the following points:

The Third Reich claimed the territory of New Swabia in Antarctica, sent an expedition there in 1938, and planned others.

The Third Reich conducted research into advanced propulsion technology, including rocketry, Viktor Schauberger's engine research, flying wing craft and the Arthur Sack A.S.6 experimental circular winged aircraft.

Some UFO sightings during World War II, particularly those known as foo fighters, were thought by the Allies to be prototype enemy aircraft designed to harass Allied aircraft through electromagnetic disruption; a technology similar to today's electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons.

Pictured here is a 1:72 scale replica of a German Haunebu 1 flying saucer. Sold Out!

Diameter: 8-inches

Release Date: January 2018

Historical Account: "Order of the Black Sun" - The SS E-IV (Entwicklungsstelle 4), a development unit of the SS occult "Order of the Black Sun" was tasked with researching alternative energies to make the Third Reich independent of scarce fuel oil for war production. Their work included developing alternative energies and fuels.

By 1939, this group developed a revolutionary electromagnetic-gravitic engine which improved Hans Coler's free energy machine into an energy Konverter coupled to a Van De Graaf band generator and Marconi vortex dynamo (a spherical tank of mercury) to create powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that affected gravity and reduced mass.

It was designated the Thule Triebwerk (Thrustwork, a.ka. Tachyonator-7 drive) and was to be installed into a Thule designed disc.

Since 1935, the Thule Gesellschaft (Society) had been scouting for a remote, inconspicuous, underdeveloped testing ground for such a craft. Thule found a location in Northwest Germany that was known as (or possibly designated as) Hauneburg. At the establishment of this testing ground and facilities the SS E-IV unit simply referred to the new Thule disc as a war product- the "H-Gerat" (Hauneburg Device).

For wartime security reasons the name was shortened to Haunebu in 1939 and was briefly designated RFZ-5 along with Vril's machines once the Hauneburg site was abandoned in favor of the more suitable Vril Arado Brandenburg aircraft testing grounds.

The early Haunebu I craft of which two prototypes were constructed were 25 meters in diameter, had a crew of eight and could achieve the incredible initial velocity of 4,800 km/h, but at low altitude. Further enhancement enabled the machine to reach 17,000 km/h.

Flight endurance was 18 hours. To resist the incredible temperatures of these velocities a special armor called Victalen ("Frozen Smoke") was pioneered by SS metallurgists specifically for both the Haunebu and Vril series of disc craft. The Haunebu I had a double hull of Victalen (Frozen Smoke developed in the 30's).

The Haunebu I first flew in 1939 and both prototypes made 52 test flights. In 1942, the enlarged Haunebu II, of 26 meters diameter, was ready for flight testing. This disc had a crew of nine and could also achieve supersonic flight of 6,000 to 21,000 km/h with a flight endurance of 55 hours. Both it and the further developed 32 meter diameter Haunebu II Do-Stra (Dornier STRAtospharen Flugzeug/Stratospheric Aircraft) had heat shielding of two hulls of Victalen. The craft were constructed and tested between 1943-44. The craft made 106 test flights.

By 1944, the perfected war model, the Haunebu II Do-Stra was tested. Two prototypes were built. These massive machines, several stories tall, were crewed by 20 men. They were also capable of hypersonic speed beyond 21,000 km/h. The SS had intended to produce the machines with tenders for both Junkers and Dornier but in late 1944/early 1945 Dornier was chosen. The close of the war, however, prevented Dornier from building any production models. Yet larger still was the 71 meter diameter Haunebu III. A lone prototype was constructed before the close of the war. It was crewed by 32 and could achieve speeds of 7,000 to 40,000 km/h. It had a triple Victalen hull. It is said to have had a flight endurance of seven to eight weeks. The craft made 19 test flights. This craft was to be used for evacuation work for Thule and Vril in March 1945.

Further plans for a 120 meter diameter Haunebu IV were in the works but no such craft is known to have been constructed before the end of the war.

  • Resin construction
  • Three undercarriage ball turrets
  • Landing gear can be displayed in retracted or extended modes
  • Comes with collectible card
  • Comes with display stand

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