Corgi AA29202 RAF Supermarine Spitfire T.9 Fighter - MJ627, Biggin Hill Heritage Hangar (1:72 Scale)
"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."
- British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, commenting on the British airmen in the Battle of Britain
The Spitfire is the most famous British aircraft of all time. Although less numerous than the Hawker Hurricane, it is remembered as the sleek, thoroughbred fighting machine that turned the tide during the Battle of Britain. The Spitfire was among the fastest and most maneuverable prop-driven fighters of World War II, serving in virtually every combat theater.
Supermarine designer Reginald Mitchell created this small, graceful, elliptical-wing fighter with eight guns in the wings that were able to fire without being hindered by the propeller. The immortal Spitfire thus became not merely one of the best-performing fighters of all time, but also one of the best-looking. Although never employed as a long-range escort, the Spitfire was a champion in an air-to-air duel. Spitfires routinely dived at the speed of sound, faster than any of the German jets.
A carrier-based version, called the Seafire, was a winner in its own right, serving valiantly on convoy routes during World War II. The Seafire 47 was even used in the early stages of the Korean War, before it was replaced by more modern jet aircraft.
Pictured here is a 1:72 scale replica of a RAF Supermarine Spitfire T.9 fighter on display at the Biggin Jill aerodrome.
Pre-order! Ship Date: Summer 2025.
Wingspan: 6-inches
Length: 4-1/2-inches
Release Date: ?
Historical Account: "Biggin Hill" - Although the Supermarine Spitfire arguably occupies the position as the world's most famous aircraft and certainly the most famous fighting airplane, a more recent incarnation of this incredible aircraft is helping to preserve its legacy as a none fighting variant of the aircraft, a Spitfire which was made for two.
Although there were unofficial modifications made to a handful of Spitfires during WWII which allowed two pilots to fly in the same aircraft, it wasn't until after the war had ended that Supermarine began marketing their famous fighter as an officially produced two-seat training aircraft.
Every single aircraft produced started life as a single seat fighter variant, mainly the Mk.IX, so it could be said that these rather placid Spitfires all had a darker side, something those fortunate enough to fly in one should remember -- they may well be in a Spitfire made for two, but this is the RAF's famous fighter at heart.
This Spitfire was originally constructed as an LF Mk.IXc in 1943, entering RAF service with No.441 (RCAF) Squadron in 1944. She actually has a combat victory to her name, having claimed a Messerschmitt Bf 109 over Arnhem just two days after making her combat debut, but would spend much of her service life performing ground attack missions, or escorting bombers.
Currently part of the Biggin Hill Heritage Hangar fleet, how would you like a flight in this incredible Warbird?