Dragon DRR60228 'Retired from the Front' Captured Jagdtigers Diorama (1:72 Scale)
"We must do everything we can to promote anti-tank defense, and work just as hard to guarantee successful counter-attacks through the instrument of powerful tank forces of our own."
- Major-General Heinz Guderian, "Achtung Panzer!"
The German Jagdtiger ("Hunting Tiger") was a tank destroyer made on the slightly extended chassis of the Tiger II "King Tiger". It featured very heavy armor and a powerful 128mm L/55 PaK44 gun capable of defeating any tank fielded in WW2, even at long ranges. It had 250mm armor on the front glacis, which made it practically invulnerable to any frontal fire. However, the Jagdtiger had no turret, and the main gun had a limited traverse of only 10 degrees, meaning the entire vehicle had to turn to aim at enemy tanks. It suffered from the same maladies as the King Tiger: an underpowered engine, frequent breakdowns, and poor maneuverability. These problems, along with the lack of a turret, made it extremely vulnerable to infantry with anti-tank weapons. Still, when properly supported, the Jagdtiger was an extremely formidable opponent.
This scene takes place after the Allied advance has overtaken a factory. It features two highly-detailed 1:72 scale Henschel version Jagdtigers with a realistic factory backdrop. It also includes two 1:72 scale American infantrymen figures.
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Diorama Dimensions:
Length: 12 inches
Release Date: June 2006